Melons and watermelons

Refreshing and Hydrating

Melon, CUCUMIS MELO, a fruit belonging to the Cucurbitaceae botanical family like the cucumber, courgette, pumpkin or squash and the watermelon. Melons are very widely consumed in many countries because they are sweet and refreshing, and of course, because of the benefits melons provide. And the truth is that in addition to enjoying their flavour, melons have some very interesting properties to help us keep healthy.

Despite how they might appear, watermelons are a food rich in nutrients, providing us with large amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for a low calorie intake. In summertime, they are an essential item in our shopping basket thanks to their sweet flavour and being one of the most refreshing of all fruits because they are made up of 92% water.  


Melons are herbaceous creepers, belonging the Cucurbitaceae family. They require dry, tropical climates and well-drained soils, rich in minerals.

The best-know melon varieties are:

  • Galia Melon: Somewhat scented. Rather unfirm (soft), greenish-white flesh.

  • Santa Claus/Christmas/Toad Skin Melon: Yellowish, compact, crunchy flesh. Aromatic, sweet flavoured, refreshing, with lots of juice.

  • Honeydew Melon: It has a sweet, white pulp.

  • Cantaloupe Melon: Orange-coloured Pulp, quite sweet and with a characteristic aroma; it must be consumed quickly.  Honey


Watermelons are herbaceous plants belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family and they produce fruit of the same name. They need warm climates to develop properly.

There are two types of watermelon:

  • Striped Watermelon: There are two varieties, with seeds and seedless.
  • Black Watermelon: Similarly to its striped sister, it comes in two varieties, with seeds and seedless.