Citrus fruit


Citrus fruits comprise a whole set of fruits belonging to the Citrus genus, which are characterised by their bitter or bittersweet flavour. Because citrus fruits are easy to hybridise, all commercial crops are obtained by grafting the desired crop species onto saplings/seedlings selected for their capacity to resist disease.

Originally from tropical and subtropical Asia, this family comprises three species and numerous cultivated hybrids, including fruits marketed extensively, such as lemons, oranges, limes, grapefruit and mandarin oranges, with numerous varieties depending on the region in which each one is grown.


Clementines have similar characteristics to oranges, although they are smaller in size and more delicate. Their sweet, refreshing flavour makes them highly palatable for all age-groups. Their pleasant sweetness and low level of bitterness together with their soft pulp make clementines one of the world’s most popular citrus fruits.


Oranges belong to the Citrus genus of the Rutaceae family. They are the most widely cultivated of all the citrus fruits. Thanks to their pleasant flavour, oranges are one of the main dessert fruits and they are very popular and extensively consumed across all population segments.


Grapefruit come from trees of the same name that belong to the Citrus genus of the Rutaceae family. Their fruit has a particular feature in that its pulp is formed by numerous vesicles full of juice. Grapefruits come in slightly squashed spherical shapes.


Lemons are citrus fruits of the Citrus genus, belonging to the family of sour fruits and they therefore share many of the features of other citrus species, such as having a thick layer of pith. Its pulp is pale yellow in colour, juicy, but bitter in flavour and divided into segments. Its peel is a yellowy colour and particularly shiny when the fruit is ripe.